The New Internet Phenomena

Just a few days ago, a new Internet Phenomena has been born. This phenomena has the potential of being bigger than Rickrolling. And the name of this new phenomena is called Susan Boyle. Susan is a 47 year old woman living near Glasgow. She rocked Britain when she appeared on television show, "Britain's Got Talent" just last weekend.

Naturally, web-savvy brits immediately uploaded the video to YouTube. This video alone has caused the name of Susan Boyle to spread like wildfire all across the world. Just last night, Susan's video had been viewed roughly 5.5 million times on YouTube. 20 hours later, that figure has grown to 11,382,020 views. Folks, that's an exponential growth rate.

I have seen her name mentioned on Twitter, Slashdot, Digg and even in Second Life. And as you can see in the figure above, the name is "Susan Boyle" mentioned in TEN PERCENT of all new blog posts in the past few days.

I have even heard rumors that Simon Cowell has signed on Susan. *shrugs* No idea if its true, but that is another indicator of how hot Susan is.