Hady Mirza - Asian Idol

Sometimes when I read the regional news, such as Indonesia not wanting Singaporean companies owning majority stake in Indonesian companies, Malaysia hike water prices, etc.. It is easy to imagine that our neighboring countries are out to get Singapore. Yet an occasional event comes along and shatters this preconceived notion of negativity with a ray of sunshine.

What happened? On Sunday, 16 Dec 2007, the second Singapore Idol Hadi Mirza was crowned Asian Idol. The Straits Times has been having a field day, with Hady's photograph spashed across the front page yesterday, and yet again today in the Life section. Some speculate the reason Hady won is because he is Malay and is able to appeal to Malaysians and Indonesians, others think its because of his charming looks. I think underlying these reasons is a zeitgeist of sorts, a general feeling amongst Asians that regards Singapore at least somewhat positively.

Anyway, this is just me reading into things. Without further ado, here's Hady Mirza singing Beautiful Day and his winning moment in the second video. Enjoy!